Monday, June 30, 2014

20 Weeks!

Holy moly how are we halfway thru this pregnancy already?!  I know just as time has flown by for the first half of this pregnancy so too will the last half.  At our last appointment our little bean was doing well.  We measured right on time and the little one's heart rate was about 160 beats per minute! 

We find out this week what our little one will be and we are so very excited to know!  I think Wesley is more excited than anyone.  He can't wait to know what we're having!  I'm feeling pretty good these days, except for getting tired if we are out too late.  When we are out until after midnight (or later) at ropings in town the next day I'm really worn out due to the lack of rest & being on my feet.  But, I always make time to rest because I know if I don't I'll end up with a migraine or sick so resting is a priority of mine. 

I really don't have any cravings for anything.  I could take or leave sweets, but will eat a little if they're available.  I choose to not eat steak because I can't eat it medium-rare (no pink meat when you're pregnant) and since it completely ruins a steak to cook it well done I just don't eat it.  I will eat hamburger, but sometimes I could take or leave meat at this point.  I am in love with oatmeal in the mornings.  I have to have a bowl with 2 pieces of toast in the morning every morning.  Its definitely my favorite breakfast food during this pregnancy.  Normally I'd eat eggs for breakfast, but they don't sound so great during pregnancy.  I also love fruit.  I have to have fruit in the house at all times or I get a bit antsy.  Peaches, strawberries, cantaloupe...I love it all.  I am not so overly enthused about raw vegetables, but cooked ones are tasty.

We are so thankful that we are growing on schedule and continue to pray that we receive the same results every time we are at the doctor.  Here's a picture of my baby bump taken a few days after I turned 20 weeks (excuse the tan lines on my arms.  We're all rocking farmers tans around here.  Haha!)

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Sweet Summertime

We are in to summer here in Montana, and that means longer days, shorter nights, and lots of beautiful weather and temperatures.  We have yet to hit 90 degrees for a high, and we are totally ok with that.  We've received beautiful amounts of moisture that the Lord has blessed our land with and we are so thankful to have a beautiful hay crop to cut and bale this year.  Summers here around the ranch consist of family ropings in the evenings around here as well as ropings on the weekends in town.  Wesley and David both participate in the ropings in town and Moo Moo and I are always there to watch and cheer them on.  Wesley won 1st at a roping last weekend here in Forsyth and I couldn't have been more proud of him!  He did so well, as usual!

When we have a free moment (which lets face it is few & far between during the summers) we are busy preparing the baby's room and our guest room.  With the baby coming we had to do some rearranging by moving our office so the baby has a room to his/herself!  And we had to do lots of storing & arranging in our guest room to move the things from our office into there.  But, it is all working out just perfectly!  I love the thought of getting the baby's nursery together & can't wait to find out what we're having so we can start preparing!  Speaking of finding out, we will know what baby Davenport is next week :)  I'm sure this week will go by fast looking back on it, but in the moment it is going by slow because we have such a big event to look forward to next week!

Another big event we have to look forward to comes in August when my parents come for their annual visit.  We love having them visit and this year it will be even more special as they will be becoming grandparents for the second time in 1 year with the arrival of our baby in November!  We are going to have lots of fun when they come and really relax and enjoy each other because after the baby comes I know it will be all about the baby! 

Speaking of big events, another milestone came for us this past week as we hit 20 weeks in this pregnancy!  It seems like yesterday when we found out we were pregnant.  I still remember that morning as if it was yesterday and I will forever have the memory of Wesley's face etched in my mind when I told him he was going to become a Father.  It was pretty special!  And now to think that we're already halfway through this pregnancy is pretty amazing.  Time truly flies by and I can only imagine how fast they days will go once our little one is here.  But for now we are enjoying our time together!  I still have to upload my 20 week photo but will do that soon and post pictures of my baby bump!

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

17 Week Photos

Here's what my 17 week bump looks like as Baby Davenport continues to grow! 

Branding 2014

I'm finally getting around to putting pictures up of our ranch branding this past year.  Of course since I'm pregnant I wasn't allowed to do anything at the branding.  But that was fine with me...I have wanted to take pictures of our own branding ever since I came up here and this year I got the opportunity to do just that!  Hope you enjoy  :)

Wesley on Steele guiding the herd toward the corrals

Clint (Christi's husband) on Blue

Clint (far left) and Wesley (center)

Christi on Nelson

All the riders pushing the herd into the corrals

Wesley dismounting and taking off chaps so branding can begin!

Mandy (left) and Christi (right)

My handsome husband :)


Matt (Mandy's boyfriend)

Wesley branding

Wesley cutting a bull calf (which is now a steer!)