Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Halloween 2015

We had a fantastic Halloween this year!  Halloween meant so much more now that we have a little one to dress up!  I'm pretty sure Wesley and I were way more excited for the evening than Kroy was, but next year I believe that will be reversed!  Kroy is the only little one in our neighborhood, so all of our neighbors were really excited for him to come trick-or-treating at their house.  I must say for a little guy he racked up some pretty awesome stuff...from candy to popcorn balls and even a new toy truck!  Of course he can't eat any of the candy or popcorn, so he really was into his truck!  Don't worry...Wesley and I will help in the candy department!

Kroy is knocking on the door of his first birthday, and I can't believe how much he has grown and changed in the last year.  It is extremely hard for us to believe that a year has went by since his birth.  He is the light of our world, and we are so blessed that God chose us to be his parents.  Kroy has such a huge personality, and is always smiling.  He can say Mama, Dada, yea, mmmm (when he eats something delicious), give high 5's, and shake his head no when he doesn't want something!  He loves to play "rodeo" in the evenings with his Daddy and will squeal with delight when Wesley chases him around the house.  Kroy is a great eater.  He loves all things that we love, and will try any foods at least once.  He sleeps very well for us at night too and will usually take 2 naps during the day for me!  The one wish that we have for our baby boy is that he will continue to grow into a healthy, happy, caring individual and know that we will continue to support him now and for the rest of his life.  We couldn't be prouder parents, and he's only 1 year old.  No matter what, he will always be our baby.  I must quit writing or I will start crying! 

Happy (early) Birthday to our first-born angel.  We love you more than you'll ever know!

Friday, August 21, 2015

Long Overdue Update!

It seems as though from the last post I made in June until now, we have blinked our eyes and time has flown by!  Pretty much the entire month of July we had visitors from either Wesley's side of the family or mine.  Although it was an extremely busy month for us, we thoroughly enjoyed our time with family.  It always seems to go by way too fast! 

Kroy is doing outstanding.  He is standing on his own, walking up to 8 steps at a time (!!), and saying "mama" and "dada".  He is also cutting 2 molars right now, and once those come in that will give him a total of 10 teeth!  Our days are busy with books, building blocks, singing songs, snacks, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, and taking walks outside in the afternoons.  Kroy has started not only to eat fruits and vegetables, but meat as well now!  He enjoys lasagna, spaghetti, chicken noodles with veggies, and chicken and stars along with his fruits.  He absolutely LOVES yogurt, but everyone knows he loves his Daddy even more than that.  When Kroy hears the back door open, it is a race between crawling, trying to walk, and falling down to see how fast he can get to his Daddy.  I love the interaction that Wesley and Kroy have at lunch and in the evenings together.  It melts my heart every time.  Wesley is such an amazing husband to me and an even more amazing father to Kroy.  We are so incredibly blessed to have him! 

Kroy got to spend some time with his Aunt Mandy and Uncle Matt this past July and he had the best time with them both.  He went swimming, played in the dirt, and took wagon rides.  I am not sure who enjoyed who more!  They had the best time together.  We also learned during their trip that Kroy is going to have another little cousin!  That's right...my sister-in-law is expecting their first child and we already know it is going to be a little BOY!  Kroy not only has a little girl cousin (Hadley - Christi & Clint's little girl who is 3 months old) that he can enjoy, but now he will have 2 boy cousins including his cousin Kannon in Texas!  We are going to have some fun holidays in our future on BOTH sides of our families!!

Wesley has been staying super busy around the ranch with it being hay season.  And we are coming up on our shipping and processing season so we will be in full swing again until around the middle of November.  When needed, I help Wesley do things around the ranch that I can do with Kroy.  We have taken out mineral, checked waters, and hauled hay together this summer.  Kroy is becoming an all around rancher and he doesn't even know it yet!  When Wesley and I get some "free" evenings together after Kroy has gone to bed, we have enjoyed roasting marshmallows and making smores and watching the beautiful Montana sunsets. 

Kroy has thoroughly enjoyed his summer with Grandma and Grandpa up here, and also with his Mimi and Pops when they came for a week long visit back in late July.  Unfortunately, I don't have pictures uploaded just yet of all our summer activities (I know...don't hate me though), but I will get them uploaded ASAP and share them with you all.  Promise!  Kroy is starting to transition between 2 naps a day to only 1 (sometimes), and with him cutting molars he isn't sleeping well for me during the day.  So I don't get much time to update.  But I will post pictures soon! 

Enjoy the rest of the summer...what little is left of it!  I know we will!  :)

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

7 Months

At 7 months old, our baby boy is so active and fun, and we wouldn't have it any other way!  He loves playing both inside and outside during the day, but prefers to be outside exploring when the weather permits!  Kroy now has 6 teeth...4 on top and 2 on bottom.  He is changing before our eyes and growing up too fast!  He crawls like a champ, and pulls up and holds onto things while walking.  His balance is getting better and better each day, and he has even started to let go and stand on his own for a few seconds at a time.

Kroy is an excellent baby.  He eats so well, sleeps great, and plays wonderfully both by himself and with others.  Kroy loves fruits, vegetables, and yogurt.  He takes 1 morning nap, and a longer afternoon nap.  He also sleeps around 9 hours at night!  He is the light of our lives and we love him so much!

Sorry this update is so short...we are so busy around here these next few weeks that there isn't much time during the day.  And keeping up with a busy little beaver takes up my time as well!  Will post a longer update soon!

Friday, May 8, 2015


Great Granny & Kroy

Aunt Tina with Kroy at Meemaw's house

Keli, Zach, & Kroy

Meemaw & Kroy

Cousins riding on the 4 wheeler together!

Kannon holding Kroy

Swinging in the tree swing in Carmine!

One cool dude!  On his way to his first branding!

First Branding!  Hanging out in his chair he got from Mimi & Pops

Riding the horsey with Daddy for the first time!

Look Mom...no hands!

Taking a walk on the ranch and looking at Nelson as we go by

6 Months old!

Our sweet baby boy!

Thursday, May 7, 2015

1/2 Birthday

Our little guy turned 6 months old this month, and neither of us can figure out where the time went.  Although I know I sound like a broken record every month that goes by saying the same thing about time, it really is true.  You don't know how fast time can march on until you have a child. 

Kroy is growing stronger and smarter by the day.  He has officially started crawling and it has got to be the cutest thing yet!  He loves his new found freedom.  He is so proud of himself when he can get from one end of the room to the next, or when he can crawl to me or his Daddy when he wants to be picked up or to sit with us.  He started crawling the day after he turned 6 months old.  He has had a busy month again this month with lots of firsts!  He started crawling, started eating 3 "solid" meals a day, flew to Texas again, and started eating Puffs.  He also attended his first (of many) branding on May 6th, and rode his first horse that day as well! 

Kroy loves eating his baby food.  He gets so excited when it is time to eat and can't wait to get in his high chair so we can feed him.  Sometimes we let him feed himself, which normally ends up with pictures being taken of him because he is such a mess, and a trip straight to the bathtub!  He is an excellent sleeper at night.  He normally goes down around 8:30 and doesn't wake up until around 6:00 a.m. where he will take a bottle and go back to sleep until around 7:30.  He is also becoming a great napper as well.  He used to only take 20 minute cat naps throughout the day but now has started to become more routine in his nap taking.  He normally takes about an hour and a half nap in the morning and at least a 2 hour nap in the afternoon. 

We flew to Texas at the end of April to attend the funeral of my Grandfather (my Mother's Dad) and stayed in Texas for a week.  Kroy didn't do so well on the trip down there but on the way back was an excellent traveler once again.  He had lots of fun with his cousin Kannon this time around too.  Kannon is walking now so that really motivated Kroy to get moving with his crawling so he could keep up with his cousin!  While we were in Texas, Kroy also tried out his first tree swing and loved it.  In fact he fell asleep in the swing!  A tree swing is definitely on the list of things to get for him and soon!

Kroy is still such a happy baby.  He never fusses unless he is tired or hungry.  He truly is the light of our lives and we are so proud to be his parents!

I still have to upload his 6 month pictures but will get them uploaded and posted shortly!

Monday, April 6, 2015

Easter Blessings & 5 Months Old

We had a wonderfully blessed Easter holiday yesterday celebrating with family & friends.  Grandma & Grandpa Davenport came over along with our neighbor Gary Wells and we all enjoyed delicious food, fun cards, and watching Kroy take it all in (of course!).  Kroy got lots of wonderful things from the Easter Bunny.  He received an Easter basket full of eggs and a new toy duckie that will swim in the bathtub and teach him his ABC's.  He also received some socks, lots & lots of books, and his first "smart pad" from Grandma & Grandpa, and he got some blocks and a new toy walker from his Mimi & Pops!  He was a very spoiled little boy but that's ok with us.  He enjoyed every minute of his new toys and books and we are so thankful our little one is so loved by all of his grandparents!

Speaking of our little one, he turned 5 months old yesterday!  His personality is really starting to shine through and we are loving every minute of being his parents.  At 5 months old, Kroy still has 2 bottom teeth, can roll from his back to his tummy and tummy to his back, and is starting to get up on all four's and scoot around the house!  Sometimes he scoots backwards, but that's ok!  At least he's moving!  He goes to bed around 8:00 p.m. and will wake around 6:00-6:30 to take a bottle.  Then he will normally sleep until 7:30 or so before waking up for the day.  He  is a really good sleeper these days!  For a few weeks he would wake himself up when he rolled onto his tummy during the middle of the night and get really upset because he couldn't figure out how to roll back over, but he as totally mastered that now!  He really likes to sleep on his side.

Kroy is the happiest, kindest little baby.  When feeding his bottles he loves to touch my face and look at me while he's eating.  He will rub my cheek or grab my arm & hold on tight.  It is little moments like that which I will cherish forever.  I know he won't always "need" me, so for the time being I take everything in and don't ever rush anything away.  Kroy also loves his exersaucer.  He gets in there and loves bouncing around and playing with all the different toy stations on it.  He is still eating baby food and is now eating twice a day.  He has a fruit at lunch and a vegetable with cereal in the evening.  He is getting better at taking naps during the day, so long as it is quiet in the house.  He is such a nosey little thing that he doesn't want to miss anything...especially if his Daddy comes home!  But on a normal day he will take about a 1-2 hour nap in the mornings, and a 2 hour nap in the afternoons.  During this time I try to get things picked up around the house, and make some of his food.  However sometimes it doesn't happen because he will wake up if he hears me!  Oh well...I know that it is only a temporary thing and I don't mind sitting and watching him nap.  He's the most peaceful little being to watch. 

Kroy has the longest eyelashes.  He is also getting a little more hair on his head each day that goes by.  While it is still blonde and hard to see in pictures, it does exist!  His toys have completely taken over our living room, and we wouldn't have it any other way.  He loves reading books and will normally sit for 2-3 books in the morning and 2 in the afternoon.  He loves looking at the pages and turning and touching them.  When the weather cooperates we go outside and throw the ball to the dogs, or take walks at the ranch.  He loves being outside.  He even got to pet the horses a few weekends ago and he thought that was pretty cool! 

He is such a joy to our lives and we thank God every day for choosing us to be Kroy's parents.  We love him more than he will ever know!!

Here are a few pictures from this past weekend of Kroy:

Kroy & Jake holding "hands"

Jakes LOVES Kroy and Kroy equally adores Jake.  I can already see they'll be best friends!

Hello Mom!

Our neighbor Gary Wells with Kroy on Easter Sunday.

Grandpa playing with Kroy!

Grandma & Kroy!

Kroy loved his Easter basket!!

His sit to stand walker that Mimi & Pops gave him!

He LOVED it!

Opening a gift from Grandma & Grandpa

Books are good!

5 months old!

Family picture on Easter!

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Texas 2015

In February we packed up our little family and headed South to visit family and friends and introduce everyone to Kroy.  We had an early flight out of Billings the day we flew out so we decided to spend the night in Billings the night before in hopes that everyone would get a good nights sleep.  Surprisingly Kroy did amazing in the hotel.  He slept as if we were at home, but I think it helped that we brought his sound machine, humidifiers, and pack and play so everything smelled and sounded just as if we were at home. 

We had to wake our little tyke at 4 AM in order to get to the airport, checked in, and make our flight on time.  He was such a trooper.  Our son is definitely a morning person just like his Daddy and I.  Once we got checked in at the airport we went to a terminal that was not being used and where no one was and I was able to push him in his stroller and he fell back asleep.  We boarded our plane at 6:45 AM and by 7:30 were taking off from Big Sky Country and heading South.  He did very well on the flight from Billings to Denver.  He ate his bottle for breakfast, and then played in my lap and in his car seat for the rest of the flight.

We landed in Denver and were immediately taking off again, so we had just enough time to get us some meds in the airport (both Wesley and I weren't feeling good at this point), make a quick trip to the restroom, change Kroy's diaper, and board again.  On the flight from Denver to Austin (which was a 2 hour flight) he did well once again.  He ate, played, and then eventually fell asleep for about the last 45 minutes of the flight.  Upon landing we were all pleased to be on the ground (we had lots of turbulence coming into Austin...so much that I thought I was going to be sick...literally).  My sister Brittany and nephew Kannon picked us up from the airport, and it was the first time she was meeting Kroy and we were meeting Kannon.  It.  Was.  Awesome!  Kroy just smiled at her and Kannon was just as adorable meeting us! 

Now the ride home...different story.  Both kids were tired of being in their car seats all day, and one started crying which got the other one wound up and we had 2 screaming babies in the vehicle with us for about the first 20 minutes of the ride home!  Wesley opted to sit in the back with the babies (in the middle of them) so he was trying to calm both of them down.  Eventually they both fell asleep and we all breathed a sigh of relief as we raced back to Carmine to get there before they woke up!

We had such a great time in Texas.  My parents came over the first night we were in Carmine to meet their newest grandson, and he took to them right away!  He laughed and played and snuggled with them.  It was also so much fun to watch Kroy and Kannon interact with each other.  They would touch each other, smile, look at each other, and play so well together!  We can't wait for them to get together again soon!  Then we were able to get together with my best friend Katy and her husband & little one.  Although we didn't get to spend near enough time with Katy & Jason, I was so grateful for the little time we did have together.  I generally don't cry when leaving Katy just because if one of us starts crying, so will the other!  But this time I couldn't help it.  We are definitely getting together with Katy & Jason for a longer period of time the next time we are in Texas.  Nonetheless the kids got to interact for a while together, we got some precious pictures of them, and Kroy got to meet his Frauntie & Fruncle!  I didn't get a picture with Kroy & his Frauntie and I am really disappointed that I didn't.  But next time I will be sure to get one!

We made a trip into Houston for Kroy to meet his great-grandparents Granny & Papa, and great-grandma Meemaw.  Everyone just loved him and we loved watching everyone interact with our son!  He also got to meet his great Aunt Diane and great Aunt Tina!  He really took to both of them.  I loved watching him be snuggled by my Aunt Diane & Aunt Tina, and Meemaw too! 

Kroy also got to meet his Aunt Mandy & Uncle Matt for the first time while we were down there.  He had a great time at their house and was spoiled there too!  It was so fun for everyone to meet him.  Texas trips take on a whole new meaning when you have a little one in tow.  You want everyone to meet him, and you want him to get to know everyone as well. 

Not only does Texas hold a special place in our hearts, but it holds a special place for Kroy as well.  He learned to roll from his back to his tummy with ease down there, and also cut his first 2 teeth while we were in Texas too!  I couldn't believe he got a tooth at 3 months old, much less 2 of them!  But he did.  And we were so proud! 

Eventually we had to pack up and come back home, and although we were sad to go, we are looking forward to the next time we can get down to the Lone Star State with our little cowboy!  Here are a few pictures from our Texas trip.  Enjoy!

Kannon checking out my camera!

Cousins playing!

Auntie & Kannon

Auntie & Kroy

Fruncle Jason & Kroy!

Fruncle Wesley & Kaegan.  She was totally into Kannon's car!

Sweet little kisses!

Kroy & Mimi

Meemaw & Kroy

Aunt Tina & Kroy

Mimi & a sleeping Kroy

Uncle Tanner with Kroy & Kannon

Pops & Kroy

Aunt Mandy, Uncle Matt & Kroy

Funny faces from Kannon.  What a little ham!

Kannon helping bounce Kroy to sleep...or keep him awake!  One of the two :)

Pops & Mimi with their two grandsons!

Sweet cousins!

Auntie B & Kroy

Kroy sound asleep on Auntie B the last night we were in Texas