Saturday, March 10, 2012

The Promised Pictures

As I stated before, I will post some recent pictures of things going on around the ranch.  Today we had to gather, sort, and work our heifer calves, and then turn them out into a different field.  Tomorrow should be a pretty relaxing day for us, but we are sure enjoying this beautiful weather we are having.  It was about 72 degrees today and not a cloud in the sky, and it's expected to be the same tomorrow.  So, needless to say, we will probably be outside roping and doing fun things around the ranch to soak up some good ol' vitamin D!  Hope everyone enjoys the pictures!

P.S.  The pictures of the snow were from a few weeks ago when we got a good dusting from Saturday night to a Sunday. 

A Bald Eagle stretching her wings over the ranch.  Jealous that we get to see these amazing creatures all the time around the ranch?  You should be.

A cow on her way to the hay we just put out for them to eat.

The 4 Amigos coming to the feeding truck

A beautiful black baldie heifer.  She is very photogenic.  She's been one of my best "subjects" when testing out new things on my new camera :)

Breakfast of champions.  She has a mouth full too! (Sorry, I tried to rotate the picture before putting it on the blog but it didn't work out so well)

Some of the herd on the move to where we are for their morning breakfast

Our precious dog Jiggs talking to one of the heifers....or about to give her a of the two!

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