Thursday, May 24, 2012

The Cowboy Way

Last weekend I experienced my first branding for our neighbors up the creek.  For my first branding I believe things went pretty well!  Friday evening when I got home it was raining (thank GOD, although it didn’t last long) so Wesley fed my babies for me and we headed home to make supper and relax since we had to get up really early the next morning for the branding.

Saturday we got up at 5 am, I made breakfast, and we headed to the ranch to catch & saddle horses for the branding.  We got to the neighbors ranch about 7:00, and headed out to round up the cattle about 7:30.  It was a cool morning on Saturday, but ended up being a beautiful day in the end.  We gathered the first bunch of cattle, and then it was on to the good stuff!  Everyone is on horseback and split up to bring the cattle to the branding grounds.  Wesley and I went one way to gather some, and the others another way…you get the picture.  We sort off some (but not all) of the mother cows, then we start roping one by one the calves so they can be branded.  There are 2 people who rope the baby calves, a couple who are in charge of the branding irons & branding, one in charge of cutting the bull calves (to make them steers for anyone that needed a bit more clarification on that subject – ask my sister about this.  Wesley gave her a good description of what goes on when she asked him.  I think she got more than she asked for.  Haha!), two people are in charge of vaccinations, then you have about 4 people who are the calf wranglers (the people who will actually keep the calves still in order for them to be branded, vaccinated, & cut if necessary).  The process of branding a couple hundred head of calves is quite amazing and works like a well-oiled machine.  The way we do things up here, the Cowboy way, is the last of a dying breed it seems and the heritage behind the brandings dates back all the way to when the first Texans brought cattle from Texas up to Montana to settle the land up here.  Ok, enough history lessons.  Wesley was in charge of roping on the first pen we branded, then he was in charge of cutting the second pen.  I didn’t do much this time because it was my first branding, so I just helped gather cattle & watched so I’d know what to do next time.  This particular branding took a lot longer than “normal” brandings take, because we had to gather 2 sets of cattle in 2 different pastures, and ended up missing about 30 head that we had to go back & look for, and then brand once we found them.  After the branding is over, everyone heads back to the house (of the ranch that you just got done branding for) and has lunch together before heading back home.  Since we had to go back & find that 30 head, we didn’t get home until about 4:30 pm on Saturday.  Normally you get home about 1:00 but that’s the way it goes sometimes.  Wesley and I also had some cattle delivered that we needed to brand & cut before turning them out with our others, so we took care of them right quick, then loaded them in the trailer & took them up to the pasture to be turned out with the others.  After doing all of this it was about 6:30 when we finally got home that afternoon.  Needless to say, we did not go to the bucking horse sale on Saturday!  We were exhausted!

Sunday we got up and worked on our house some more.  We finished scraping the house, and got most of the caulking done on the outside.  After that we decided we’d go to Miles City to check out the Bucking Horse Sale, and we had to get a few things from Wal Mart anyway.  We got to town about 12:45 and it was packed!  So, we decided we’d just go to the trade show, and not into the Bucking Horse Sale, then run our errands & come home.  We found some good stuff at the trade show!  I got this beautiful sign that says our last name (or my soon to be last name) spelled out in picture letters for our home…we love it!  It is framed nicely & everything.  Then we went to Wal-Mart, and had a nice (early) supper at Rib & Chop.  We were able to get home about 6:30 so I could feed the babies, then we turned in for an early evening.  We were still recuperating from being on the go all day Saturday, so it was nice to come in & rest Sunday evening!

We continued to work on our house this week, and are going to paint it this weekend (or early next week).  We have our ranch branding this Saturday, but there is a good chance of rain this weekend, so if we get rained out we surely won’t mind!  We need the moisture badly!!  Then we have another neighbors branding next Thursday.   And next Saturday, his sister Christi gets married here on the ranch!  We have another busy week/weekend ahead of us!! 

We hope everyone has a great week & pray for rain for us!!

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