Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The Story of the Electric Fence

Last weekend we started Saturday by fixing an electric fence that we put up around a section of the meadow for the cows & heifers that we are going to A.I.  It took Wesley and me about 2 hours to fix the fence and get it in working order, and then we turned it on and trailed the heifers & cows out to the meadow.  David had just gotten back to the ranch from turning some cows out into a different pasture on the ranch, so we all sat down together and had hamburgers for lunch.  After lunch we went to trail our cows out of one pasture and into another to get ready and turn the bulls in with them.  It took a little longer than we thought it was going to take, but it ended up being alright.  That afternoon we came home and roped the dummy steer for a while, then ran the steers thru the chute one time before calling it an evening.
We started to head home about 6:30 or so that evening, only to find that all the cows & heifers we turned out in the meadows had busted thru our electric fence and were everywhere!  So we grabbed the 4-wheeler, David grabbed a horse, and we took off to round them back up.  They tore thru that fence as if it wasn’t there.  And of course, it only takes 1 cow to knock it down & ground it out and then pretty soon all of them are across the electric fence!  After we rounded them up, Wesley and I locked them in another pasture, and went about fixing the electric fence…again.  We basically had to start all over.  We had to re-string, tie, and tighten the entire fence.  It took us about 2 ½ hours to finally finish the fence, and by the time we were done that evening, we were pretty tired and ready to sit down on the couch, have a drink, and eat supper.
Sunday morning Wesley looked out our back window only to find the damn cows out yet again (although this time, they got locked up after they broke out)!  So he went to fix the fence, and I got things ready to go to town to rope that afternoon.  We headed to Forsyth about 11:15 that Sunday morning and got home about 7:00 that evening.  Wesley had a good time roping, and did an awesome job once again.  However, none of his partners caught their end of the steer, so he got some no-times.  It comes with roping, but I was so proud of him and how well he did!  He’s been practicing at home, well we all have, and we have a great time roping together!
This coming weekend, on Saturday, we are bringing in all the cows and heifers we are going to A.I. so we can make sure they are going to be cycling when we A.I. them, then Saturday evening we are going to go to Colstrip to a festival they call “Colstrip Days”.  They have a good band there with a street dance so we are going to enjoy the band and dancing in the street as well!  Sunday we are heading to Miles City for the afternoon so Wesley and his Dad can rope in the Wrangler Team Roping Championship series they have here in Montana.  I wish them LOTS of luck in this roping and can’t wait to see how they do!!
We have our engagement portraits next Friday afternoon and we are so excited about them!  We are going to be taking them at the ranch surrounded by the beautiful mountains, and of course all of our animals.  I’ll definitely share some of them when we get them back!  

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