Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Every year in September...

Those of you who live in Washington County, Texas know what time of year it is – Fair time.  To say that I’m upset that we’re not there to celebrate in fine Washington County form with the other eighteen million – ok, that was an exaggeration – people that come out to the Fair every year would be an understatement.  I’M DEPRESSED!!!  No fair food, no friends to congregate with, no great Texas Country Music Concerts, no livestock shows & sales, no VIP room, no introducing Wesley to the great happenings of the WCF and getting to spend every minute of it with the man I’m madly in love with!  No one from Washington County with whom I speak to regularly (so that’s my Mom, sister, and Katy) is to even remotely speak of the word “Fair” to me.  Seriously!

For those who don’t know this about me I’ll give you a little background on me & the Washington County Fair (we go back).  I started showing livestock when I was 9 years old (goats to be exact…Wesley you can stop laughing now [he finds it hilarious that I showed goats.  And yes, we have my grand champion picture hanging in our office]!), ended showing heifers and steers, then came back and volunteered at the Fair as soon as I graduated high school & could no longer show.  So for 17 years the fair has been a part of my life, and I have always taken this week off to enjoy all the festivities the Fair had to offer.  In 2009 I was voted in as Chairwoman of the Junior Livestock Auction (The Thursday market livestock sale at the fair).  I held this position for 2010 and 2011 before moving here to Montana.  My involvement in the fair spiked dramatically with the acceptance of this position, and I loved every minute of it!  To see the youth of Washington county succeed at the sale, and to make the buyers, who come out to our sale and sit for hours on end to purchase the livestock, happy, is something I enjoyed greatly!  There is not another place on earth that has a county fair as Washington County, and I really miss it.  Wesley and I are definitely coming down for the fair in the next year or two, and I am SO excited to show everyone the wonderful angel in my life and have him experience what we, as Washington County natives, know is the best time of the year!!

On another note – meet the new addition to our ever expanding brood!   
(For whatever reason I can't make the picture rotate...sorry!)
This is Blaze!  He’s about 4 months old and is as precious as ever!  You can’t see it in this picture, but he has 4 white socks on his feet.  He’s adorable!  I’ve been working with him when I have the chance – walking him and getting him used to things around him so he knows he can be comfortable and relax with both Wesley and myself. 

And, I thought I’d show you what Jiggs has been up to lately…

Yep, that’s him in Wesley’s shorts.  He didn’t find it funny, but we got a laugh and few pictures out of it!  Please excuse my outfit, I didn’t know he was going to feel the need to constantly be near me for his photo ops.

Have a fabulous week!  And do NOT remind me of the Washington County Fair!  :)


  1. Love your two babies!!! What kind of horse is Blaze? He's beautiful!!!

  2. Thank you!! He's a quarter horse...Wesley's future roping horse! :)
