Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Bring on the Camo & Orange

Wesley and I welcomed my cousin John Zientek & his Uncle JC to the ranch last Friday afternoon.  They drove from Texas to Montana to go hunting on the ranch!  They left last Thursday from Texas, and arrived Friday afternoon to our house.  Deer hunting season officially opened in Montana on October 20th, and they were very anxious to get out there & start hunting!  Friday afternoon I showed them around the ranch, then Wesley & I took them into the town of Forsyth to show them around and they needed to get a few things from town anyway.

In the meantime, while they were doing that, Wesley and I went to the local furniture store to pick up our new living room furniture!  We had been eyeing this new living room furniture for a while now, and I saw last week that the store was closing.  So, we hurried on down there and put our names on that furniture, and we LOVE it!  We got a new leather couch & matching leather loveseat.  Its so comfortable & nice.  Its like a tan/brownish color…perfect in our home!  We are definitely enjoying it.

So far, the hunters haven’t gotten anything, but the week isn’t over yet!  Wesley saw some really nice bucks running around the ranch so hopefully they are able to take one of them home with them.  Then after our wedding Wesley and I plan to do a little hunting of our own.  Neither of us like deer meat/steaks, but we like deer jerky (is that weird??)!  So, we are going to have some of that made if we get a deer.  We are really hoping that John & JC get to take a Montana sized buck back to Texas with them…so lets keep our fingers crossed!

We are a little over 2 weeks away from our wedding here in Montana, and we are counting down the days!  After a minor major wedding dress mishap, and having to find another dress two weeks before our wedding (just yesterday in fact) we are ready to roll!!  Anyone that knows me well enough will know that this whole 'find a dress two weeks before the wedding' thing completely stressed me out & I was so relieved when I found the perfect dress yesterday!

Before we know it we will be heading back to Texas to see everyone there, and we can’t wait!  The weather here is pretty cold this week…highs are in the middle 30’s and lows in the low 20’s…pretty cold!  We don’t have any snow on the ground (as of yet), but I’m sure it won’t be long before we get another dusting of the white stuff!

I don’t have any new photos to share this time when posting, but before long I’ll have wedding pictures to share with everyone!  Have a great week!

1 comment:

  1. Yay, wedding pictures! Can't wait to see!HOLY S*** on the wedding dress debacle!!! Glad it worked out, and hope you are just as happy with the new one! :)
