Tuesday, September 2, 2014

29 Weeks!

Although this is a little over a week old, I am so behind in updating because we have been so busy lately around here!  I promised my 29 week photo so here it is! 

 This little guy loves to move during the day and this Momma doesn't mind it one bit.  It constantly lets me know that he's still there and thriving with every little kick and tumble.  As the weeks wind down with us getting closer & closer to meeting him we often find ourselves talking about what he is going to look like, who he will become, and if the schedule he keeps in utero right now will be similar to the schedule he keeps once he's on the outside.  As of now he is pretty active during the day with a few little down times where he is "napping".  He's pretty quiet at night, but he is generally active between 3-4 AM (I know this because I have to go to the bathroom every night between this time...probably because he's dancing on my bladder!) and then drifts off to sleep again until I get up for the day at 7 AM.  The one thing his Daddy has noticed is every night at 8 PM he is kicking.  Every.  Single.  Night.  It's as if he is our little time clock at that point in the evening because every night he kicks about that time I always ask Wesley what time it is & he states back that I should know because he's moving around!  So we are both pretty excited to see if he is going to be active at 8 PM once he arrives :) 

I wanted to remember how much he enjoys listening to George Strait while in utero at this point in the pregnancy because I'm afraid I won't remember the small details of the pregnancy.  There's a story behind him loving music too - my sister asked me if I had played any music for him by holding headphones up to my belly & letting him listen.  She told me that Kannon would go crazy in her tummy when she played music for him.  So, I started trying it out.  The first few days I tried it I was fairly certain that I was lulling him to sleep.  But, then "Stars on the Water" came on about the 4th day...and that changed everything.  I played the music for him every day for a couple weeks straight to get him used to the sound.  Now, every time I put the headphones up to my belly and put on George he starts dancing around and having a great time.  Brittany said that when Kannon was fussy they would play music for him that they played while he was in utero and he would be calmed down.  I can't wait to see if this is true for Baby D as well.  He sure does love him some King George...and who wouldn't?  It was quite comical the other day when Wesley and I sat down to watch George's Cowboy Rides Away Tour on CMT and we had the TV a bit loud as we both love listening to George.  Evidently the baby heard what we were listening to and decided he wanted to dance away to it as well because he started kicking and tumbling.  It is a pretty awesome feeling!

We have been SO busy around the ranch that there are many days that I'm not sure if I'm coming or going.  Our entire August went by entirely too fast as his parents were gone for 2 weeks so we took care of everything around the ranch, then my parents came up for a week, we had a doctors appointment, hauled more hay, and had our end of year roping finals in Forsyth.  What a busy month for us!  This is all on top of trying to keep up with the house work, laundry, cleaning, and trying to get the baby's clothes washed and put away (because as of now his little nursery is a disaster...sad to admit but I'm definitely working on it this week).  In the evenings when it has been nice (which is most afternoon/evenings lately) I go outside and help Wesley put out mineral or lick tubs, and then we go over to the ranch & him and his Dad practice roping.  With fall right around the corner that means snow could come at any point starting in mid to late October so we are enjoying the beautiful weather and temperatures before winter comes to Montana.  And, in a short 10 weeks we will be welcoming our son into the world!  So, we are enjoying it all.  I was so proud of Wesley this past weekend at the summer roping series finals.  He won the overall roping year for the summer so he gets a really nice monogrammed jacket with "Champion Header" on it.  He also placed 2nd in the round robin roping for a saddle, and placed 6th in the 8 steer roping after the round robin.  He had a great roping season this summer and I am so proud of him!  I got some really good pictures of him and the horses this past weekend at the roping so hopefully sometime this week I will get those pictures posted to the blog as well!

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