I don't even like to think that our baby boy is already a month old. But, somehow I don't have the ability to stop time and the days keep marching onward. Kroy is a really good baby. I'm sure most parents say that, and maybe it is cliché, but he truly is a good baby. The only time he tries to fuss is when I am changing his diaper and he gets cold, or when he's wet. He does not like being cold or wet! Poor little guy! He is sleeping about 3 1/2 hours a night which means about 2 feedings during the night and during the day is starting to be more & more alert. He really enjoys the mornings with us, and in the afternoon normally takes his little naps between eating. He's eating 3 1/2 ounces every 3 1/2 hours or so. He currently weighs 9 lbs. 3 ounces and is 21 3/4 inches long. He's gained over a pound and grown over an inch in his first month here with us! That makes me both proud and a little sad at the same time. My baby boy is growing up...and he's growing faster than I'd like to think about.
There are so many things I want to remember about him at this age. He wakes every morning around 6 am and goes to the living room for his breakfast and to have one-on-one time with his Daddy while I catch a few more zzzz's. I'm up by 7 and start our breakfast while Kroy and Daddy watch sports center and play on his play gym (if he isn't back asleep). He absolutely loves his bouncer and takes most of his naps in there. He also just started showing interest in his swing so we put him in there when he is restless and he watches the mobile and listens to the music. He is starting to smile back at you when you make faces at him, which melts our hearts! He does this adorable rooting/birdie/hungry face when he's looking for his pacifier or you're about to put the bottle in his mouth. It is the cutest face I've ever seen! He loves his play gym and in the evenings will lay and look up at the toys for upwards of 30 minutes at a time. He has also started to try to grab for the toys on his play gym but can't quite get his hand coordination down just yet. He enjoys tummy time but is such a strong little tyke that we really don't need a whole lot of tummy time for him because he constantly is working his neck muscles for us when we're holding him. Bath time is a real treat for us because he has so much fun in the bath! He kicks his little legs and coos at us. It's truly a treat to see him with so much joy on his little face. And while he loves taking a bath he absolutely hates getting lotion put on him afterwards. He gets so upset when I put lotion on him but its because it makes him cold and he hates to be cold. He is officially out of newborn clothes and in 0-3 month. I've started to pack away some of his newborn clothes to make room for others and it breaks my heart to think that just a few short weeks ago he was that tiny :( There are certain times during the day when he loves to snuggle with me. Generally around 10:00 am he wants to cuddle for a bit, and again about 4 pm he likes to be held. Other than that he is very content in his bouncer, swing, or on his play gym. Every Sunday he and his Daddy watch football and generally fall asleep in the recliner. I have some adorable pictures of Kroy sleeping on Wesley's chest and Wesley snoozing as well. It makes me beam with pride just looking at the both of them! While he doesn't have a set "schedule" yet because to be quite honest he's too little for one, he definitely has a bed time! He likes to be swaddled and in his bassinet by around 8:30 or so and if he isn't he will definitely let you know! He eats, gets changed, swaddled, and is in bed by about 8:30. He also LOVES his Mommy Bear that his Aunt Brittany gave him. He has to go to sleep with the womb sounds playing every night (and, now it puts Wesley and I to sleep too!).
Kroy's first Thanksgiving was so wonderful. We spent Thanksgiving at his Grandma & Grandpa Davenport's house and our neighbor Gary came over to celebrate with us too. When Grandma & Grandpa weren't arguing over who was going to hold Kroy (haha :)) we enjoyed good food, great desserts, and fun card playing. I can't wait to see how his first Christmas goes because he's going to be with is cousin Kannon for Christmas. It ought to be a grand time!
As soon as I get his 1 month pictures taken & uploaded I will be sure to share them. He is changing so much already!
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