Kroy has changed daily in the last month. I can't believe its already time for me to do a monthly post on him again! He wakes up in the morning and starts his day with a smile. It lights up all of our faces! He is starting to be really interested in books that I read to him and loves playing on his play gym. He does not enjoy taking naps. In fact we call him our little "cat napper" because he doesn't sleep during the day for more than 45 minutes at a time (if I'm lucky)! Sometimes in the afternoon I can get him to go down for an hour or so, but that's pushing it!
Kroy is currently eating 3 1/2 ounces every 3 hours or so. There are nights where he will go for long stretches of sleep, but most nights he's up every 3 hours to eat. A few nights here and there we have enjoyed 5-7 hour stretches and we relish them when we can. But, I know the nights of him eating through the night are coming to a close end sooner rather than later so I don't mind getting up with him. Plus, I sneak in a few extra snuggles during those wee morning hours! We measured him the other day and he's a full 24 inches long now! And he's definitely over 10 lbs. His exact weight we aren't sure of yet but we will know next week when we go to the doctor for our well baby checkup!
A typical day with Kroy goes as follows:
6:00 am - wake and go to the living room with Daddy so Mommy can get an hour of sleep before starting the day (and boy that hour feels like 5 I'll tell you that!)
7:30-8:00 - eat breakfast
8:30 - 9:30 - play on play gym and have tummy time
9:30 - 11:00 - try to take a morning nap but mostly its spent trying to get him to stay asleep!
11:00 - 11:30 - eat lunch
12:00 - 12:15 - sit in bumbo to help gain neck muscle strength
12:30-1:30 - play with Daddy when he comes home for lunch
2:00 - 2:30 - eat
3:00 - 5:00 - try to take an afternoon nap but mostly its spent trying to get him to sleep and stay asleep!
5:00 - eat
5:30 - 6:30 - play gym time
6:30 - 7:00 - bath time which he loves!!
7:00 - 8:00 - read books and learn animal sounds
8:00 - eat last bottle before going down for the night!
Then he'll normally wake up a few times during the night to be changed and have a bottle. He really is such a good baby. We can't complain not one bit.
There are so many things about this stage in his life that I want to remember. He smiles at me from across the room now and that just melts my heart. He definitely knows who Mommy and Daddy are! When I sing silly songs to him it makes his day and he will kick his legs and dance to the tune. His smile just melts my heart. He has started to hold my hand/arm when I'm feeding him his bottle. When his little hand grabs mine and squeezes tight it is like no other feeling in the world. He gets pretty excited when his Daddy comes home from work and picks him up and they play their "driving truck" game. He wrinkles his little nose in delight when latching to his bottle to eat and he makes this adorably funny little birdie face while doing so. He is now in size 1 diapers and absolutely hates to be wet! He is currently still wearing size 0-3 month clothes and size 1 little shoes as well. We believe he is in the very early stages of teething already :-( as he is starting to drool more, chew on his pacifier and bottle nipple, and there's a tiny little white spot on his bottom gum that looks like it might be a tooth trying to make its way to the surface. So, we are preparing ourselves for the teething months ahead.
Kroy is incredibly strong. He can hold his head up for extended periods of time before getting tired, and if you stand him up on your lap he will stand on his own weight for seconds at a time before getting tired. He loves to bounce in your lap, be picked up above your head, have his little chin tickled, and read books. He hates, however, to be alone in a room! If I step out of his sight he has a come apart so we are working through his separation anxieties at the moment. Oh makes me feel special to be the one that can comfort him so I don't mind it. One day he won't care if I'm in the room or not so for now I'll take it!
He still loves getting baths and will really get to splashing these days. He gets the biggest smile when we wash his hair I think partly because it feels so good for him and partly because it tickles! He is also very interested in his Laugh & Learn puppy that he got for Christmas from his Aunt Brittany & Uncle Tanner. He can't push the buttons to make the puppy work just yet but he really enjoys the music when we push the buttons for him!
Here are some pictures of him on his 2 month birthday!
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