Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The First Week of 2012

Well the holidays have gone just as fast as they came around.  We celebrated our New Year with family and friends up in Montana.  Friday night Moo Moo & David came over to play cards with us.  We played a few games of Pinochle, and needless to say Wesley & Moo Moo beat me & David each time!  Oh well…you win some you lose some. 
Saturday Wesley went to feed in the morning, and I spent the morning cleaning up the house and ironing clothes to get ready for the wedding we had to attend that evening.  Wesley was an usher in the wedding, so we had to leave the house at 2 to get there in time.  He looked so handsome in his suit coat and pants!  (Yes, I’m bragging…but I love him…so I get to do that :-))!  The wedding was at 4 and lasted until about 4:30.  After that we went to his friend Clint & Sarah’s to see their baby Jack (2 ½ months old) and give Jack his Christmas present.  Clint & Sarah also got us a house warming/Christmas present & gave it to us that night as well.  We all headed to the reception about 5:30.  We ate dinner at the wedding, then left the reception about 8 PM to head to a local bar for a drink with Clint & Sarah.  We had a drink with them, then ran to the store while we were in Miles City, and finally came home to bring in the New Year in our first home.  We got home about 10:30 PM, and played board games & watched TV until it was midnight.  Sunday we got up and fed the heifers & steers, then came home to start taking down Christmas decorations, and cleaning the house!  We got the house cleaned, tree taken out, clothes washed, and porch cleaned out all on Sunday… we were busy! 
I was off work on Monday in observance of the New Year, so I got to hang around the ranch all day with Wesley.  We went out & fed the heifers & steers that morning, then ate lunch and went to the Amish community to take a saddle to be repaired, and pick up some lumber.  We were unsuccessful with the lumber, but got the saddle taken to the right repair man!  Then we were told of another man down the road that might have some lumber, so we headed to Ashland, Montana to find him (about 30 miles from the house).  He wasn’t there yesterday, but Wesley & David are going to go this evening and get the lumber from him (they are building a new chute and are in need of the lumber). 
I haven’t been riding since we got back from Texas, so that’s on the “to do” list for this weekend (hopefully)!  We hope everyone has a great week!

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