Thursday, January 19, 2012

Winter Has Arrived

Well…as the old saying goes…all good things must come to an end.  The “good thing” being the not-so-hard winter (or should I say, lack of) that we have been experiencing up here in the Big Sky Country.  On Sunday evening the winter weather moved in, and it appears its here to stay…at least until the end of this week.  We got about 2 inches or so of snow on Monday, and were hit with another round of snow last night.  We probably got another two inches last night, and then it has been snowing non-stop all day today.  I took pictures on my phone of some of the snow here in downtown Forsyth, and sent them to family & friends back home for all of them to see what we are experiencing up here…and this is just the beginning (so I’m told)!  The high today is -8…that’s right, negative 8 degrees.  The low…care to take a guess?  The low is about -15, and factor in the wind chill, and it will feel like -30 degrees this evening and thru the night.  It is supposed to snow all the way until Friday, where it starts to “warm up” a bit by the weekend.  When I say warm up…that means it gets out of the single digits.  This weekend the high is about 30, and that’s a heat wave compared to what I’m experiencing now! 

This past weekend we ran a few errands, and mostly hung out on the ranch.  Saturday we went to Miles City with Moo Moo & David to take the skid steer (some piece of equipment that grinds trees & has a bucket thing on the front of it) to get it worked on.  Then we went to lunch with them at the Rib & Chop in Miles City, and finally headed home.  Once we got home there was a younger girl coming out to get a filly to make her show horse for the fair this year here in town.  So we went & helped load the little filly onto the trailer, then we turned in for the evening.  Sunday we got up and went to church, then went to breakfast at a local café.  After that we came home & finished painting our hallway.  Now we are halfway done with painting!  That afternoon Moo Moo & David came over to play Pinochle with us, and we watched a little football too.  Monday it was so cold & blowing snow outside that we didn’t do a whole lot outside.  We fed the heifers & steers as usual, then called up and fed some colts in one of the pastures.  Finally, since it was the first “big” snowfall of the year, Wesley took me and the dog riding around the ranch so I could take some pictures of the landscape with the snow that had recently fallen.  It was beautiful!  The cows were covered in snow…it was so cute!  I snapped a few pictures of them as well.

Tuesday it was back to the daily grind.  And of course today it is snowing like crazy here in town!

This weekend we are going to have our friends Clint & Sarah (and baby Jack) over for dinner & cards on Friday night, then we have a card party that we are going to on Saturday night at Moo Moo & David’s house.  David was just itching to get me good at Pinochle so they could have a card party!  He called us Monday night and made sure we didn’t’ have plans for Saturday evening because they want us there at their card party!  It was really cute.  So we are going to play cards Saturday night!  Then on Sunday we are going to try out a different church, and probably paint the office as well. 

And for those of you who don’t already know, Wesley and I would like to announce that we are engaged!  We are very excited about the engagement and look forward to spending our lives together!

I hope everyone has a great week and stays a heck of a lot warmer than we are!! 

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