Thursday, January 16, 2014


I'm so behind in blogging and updating recent pictures that I really don't know where to begin!  One of these days I'll get all our pictures from Texas updated.  I have lots of cute pictures to share with you from maternity pictures of my sister, to little miss Kaegan, to spending time with my sweet grandparents.  However, there is a reason for my lack of blogging...

You see, after Wesley and I returned to Montana we had made the decision that I was no longer going to work.  So, as of January 10th I said goodbye to the 8-5 routine of a job and hello to the 24/7 life of working full time on the ranch.  We have so many goals for our business and our personal lives that in order to accomplish them it meant me quitting my full time job.  So, for a week now I've been a stay at home ranch wife/ranch employee!  It has been a great week!

The change has been a great thing for us.  Even though it has only been a week, we both have enjoyed our new normal.  Wesley tells me all the time he loves having me home, and I love being at home.  I always knew that if I ever quit to stay at home that I would be busier at home than I was at my full time job, and that is so true.  I have so many things I want to get done both inside and outside of the house, as well as on the property.  And all of this is done when I'm not running to town for feed or supplies, or out feeding so Wesley is free to do other more pressing things around the ranch. 

I promise to get around to more blogging once we get settled into our new "routine"!  We are blessed beyond measure with this new opportunity in our lives and we continually thank God for all his blessings in our lives and for the blessings yet to come!


  1. Congratulations! I hope that means you'll also have more time for blogging and pictures!!! :) So exciting!

    1. Thank you! We are excited very excited! I've been pretty busy around the house and then have been substitute teaching a few times for the local school when they need someone. My goal is to get more blogging time in for sure :)

      Keep me updated on wedding plans!!

    2. I checked back to view your comment and whoah! THREE new posts! I'm liking you being home already ;) Looking forward to hearing about your NEW adventures!

      Girl I know... I need to e-mail you ;)
