Monday, January 27, 2014

The First Few Weeks

I've officially been a stay at home ranch wife for 3 weeks now and these 3 weeks have been nothing but crazy for us!  While I haven't went to a place of business, I've worked around the house/ranch/subbing non stop for the past 3 weeks.  I took 1 day to myself while Wesley went to rope last week and I lounged on the couch, read in my book, and caught up on tax necessities in my "free" time.  It was a semi-lazy yet semi-productive day too.  So far I've managed to really deep clean our home (which I've wanted to do for years now) and re-painted all our kitchen cabinets.  I just picked out new paint colors for our entire house so I'm starting to work room by room repainting the walls in each of them.

There are days that I feel like I've gotten nothing accomplished all day but when my husband comes home to a home cooked meal for every meal and constantly tells me how he's so happy he has me here with him, it makes all those feelings melt away.  I have such an amazing husband and we've settled into our new normal so nicely that we can hardly remember what it was like for me to be gone all day (well, I still have flashbacks, and not good ones might I add...but they're getting better...haha)!

Jiggs & Jake (our "children") have also settled into a nice new routine.  They go feed with their Daddy in the mornings & then spend the afternoons with me if I'm going to be home.  I think they're enjoying their time with me in the house more than we know!

When I have time, I'm trying to work on editing pictures that I took of my sister and of Kaegan when we were in Texas.  Hopefully sometime later this week I'll be able to get those pictures posted! 

There aren't many people who have questioned what I'm doing during the day because up here there are lots of "ranch wives" and they know what is asked of the lady of the house on a daily basis.  But, the question I get most often is "do you like being at home?" to which I delightfully answer YES!  I love being at home.  I am able to get so many things accomplished during the week so that on the weekends when we do have time we are able to go do fun things we enjoy instead of home improvement items since I can get them done during the week now.  The second question asked a lot is "don't you get bored?" to which I answer NO!  I am never bored.  I get up by 7 AM and am not going to bed until after 9 PM.  I am cleaning, cooking, painting, feeding cattle, working with Wesley around the ranch doing various tasks, working with the horses, feeding the horses, running errands in town for name it and I am doing it on any given day.  And I love it!  I love that my husband is right here if I needed him and yet I can go & do the things in town for him instead of him leaving & being away from the ranch.  So, it has worked out very nicely for us.  With that said, however, we know just how lucky we are for this opportunity & we thank God every day for the blessings he's given to us. 

Hopefully the next post will be of edited photos of my maternity session with my sister!


  1. Sounds like you're enjoying your new routine! Sure hope you guys are staying warm! Great job on your sisters pictures, too!

    1. We are, thanks! So far we've been pretty 'warm' for this time of year but we are expecting snow & cold temperatures the rest of the week! Thanks! We had fun taking them. I have lots of improving to do in my photography skills, but they didn't turn out too bad!

      You have to email me with how wedding plans are going! I can't wait to hear all the details!

  2. I will do that! Today--if I get time! :)
