Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Sorry I've been so absent but....

Its been close to a month since I've last blogged...A MONTH!  Y'all know that is not the norm for this blogger.  But, things around our home have been quite crazy lately.  We are in FULL calving swing and are about 2/3 of the way through our calving season at this point.  We have had a few hiccups with losing a few mom's unexpectedly (which left us with some adorable baby bum calves to feed...YAY!) but other than that we have been pretty lucky with our calving season thus far. 

The first weekend in April brought us snow again, and lots of it!  We had snow drifts up to Wesley's knees (and he's a fairly tall gentleman).  We got about 10 inches of snow that storm which was a great thing for the moisture content it brought the land.  We're expected to get some more rain in the coming days and we welcome it with open arms.  All this beautiful moisture Mother Nature is giving us will really help to set us up for a very nice haying season this year.  The temperatures have warmed up a bit now and the snow is pretty much all melted away, so that's given both Wesley & me spring fever of sorts!  We have been wanting to seed our lawn with grass because the lawn we do have looks like a dirt sheet in front of our home (seriously...there's no grass growing).  This past winter Wesley worked up the ground & brought in some manure to help get some nutrients back into the soil and then yesterday & today we worked on seeding the front lawn.  We're not holding our breath that the grass seeds will grow because the amount of nutrients taken from the soil is unbelievable, however we are optimistic that if it doesn't grow this year, it will next year.  Then he & his Dad worked on disking up the back lawn and working in manure into the ground so we can seed that with grass too in an effort to get it to grow more uniform instead of so patchy.  I'm hoping their hard work pays off!  They've been working on the lawn for 4 hours now...and they're still going strong at it!

In the evenings since the weather has been so beautiful we have been sitting out on our patio enjoying the beautiful Montana sunsets and discussing how our days went.  Wesley has been putting in 12-14 hour days easily since we started calving, so it is really nice to get to catch up with my husband even if it is just for an hour in the evenings.  Sometimes I go over to the ranch & help Moo Moo feed the little bum calves in the evenings too.  They're too precious not to want to love all over them.  And, I think its pretty cute that they think you're their Mom.  After all, we're the only source of food for them.  So when they start to ball to us I just find that so dang cute!  I always tell Wesley that if I could potty train them I would let them live in our house with us.  Of course I get the raised eyebrow look when I tell him this but it is always good for a laugh from the both of us!

There have been other changes in our home too that I have yet to blog about:

That's right!  Wesley and I are THRILLED to announce that we are pregnant with our first child!  This has been the main reason for my lack of blogging.  This Momma has been so so so sick this first trimester!  But, that's long as our baby continues to grow healthy & happy I am willing to be sick.  We found out at the end of February/beginning of March that we were pregnant and chose to keep it a secret until now.  We have went to the doctor twice now and both times have heard a beautiful, strong beating heart.  At our last doctor's appointment our little bean's heart was beating about 175 beats per minute!  We could not be happier or more thrilled with the news of our baby!  We have wanted to shout it from the rooftops, but chose to keep it a secret until we went to the doctor a few times...just to be safe.  It has taken us over a year and a half to get to this point in our lives and we thank God every day for the miracle of being able to have a baby! 

The neatest thing about my pregnancy is that we will have a baby for Thanksgiving and Christmas this year.  We often wondered what this year would bring for us, and we are getting our answers one by one from our Lord.  And, my parents will become grandparents to not 1 but 2 grandbabies this year!  They're really excited about that :)  And for Wesley's parents this will be their first grandchild - so you can just imagine how spoiled he or she will be!

My sister is due any day with their baby boy so we are anxiously awaiting the phone call that tells us she's in labor.  We will find out toward the end of June what our little one will be, and we will share the news as soon as we know!  We ask that if you have any extra prayers to please say one for our baby & pregnancy that we are blessed with a healthy pregnancy & baby this November!!

P.S.  I don't have any "bump" pictures yet because I have felt less than glamorous these last few weeks.  However, we are going to start doing weekly bump pictures soon so I'll share some of those once we take them.  And yes, I do have a very teeny tiny baby bump starting, and even though I'm certain its more bloat & water weight than anything, I still smile every time I look at it in the mirror.  God is amazing!!!!!!

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